2022 Wrap up

Posted by Eric Schlappi on

Hey All,

I just wanted to drop some thoughts about the year and where we are right now.

2022 was a wild one, we FINALLY released the Three Body after years of development. The 240 we were able to make (we had some difficulties with manufacturing that reduced the intended run size) went out the door immediately and we've heard nothing but great things from the people who picked one up.

We shipped about a thousand modules overall in 2022, which for a company of three people making niche items in the middle of a parts shortage is pretty cool.

We have another run of Three Body in production now that should be available in February and also some hopes that our large back order of the chips required will come in the summer of 2023 and we will be able to keep them in stock for a while.

I was in France all of 2022 with the office and production happening in Vancouver, WA (across the river from Portland, OR, USA). This was a pretty difficult way to work but I think it did allow us to grow our skills a little, allowing me to focus on R&D and giving our Production Manager and team a little room to develop their own skill and style.

Aside from business stuff the French adventure has been wonderful so far and I have been able to meet and play music with some incredible people here in Grenoble, as well as Lyon and Paris.

I will be back in Portland at least January through May of 2023 and that should allow us to get some things done which I am very excited about, even though I will miss our friends here and will have a hard time adjusting to life without French bakeries.

For the future, I am working on several new designs and we will for sure at least have one new module by Superbooth 2023. I am of course continuing down the path of FPGA development and exploring the possibilities that opens up but not abandoning strange breadboard experiments with analog and classic CMOS chips either.

I wish you all good health and weird sounds.
