
March Update: Binary Workshop in Portland, More Bries and Stazma videos

Posted by Eric Schlappi on

I am doing a workshop in Portland on "The Musicality of Binary" about logic patching and the Nibbler at CETI on Saturday March 6th. Bries now has an entire playlist of Nibbler videos, here are two somewhat random selections. There is also a new video from Stazma in our Shlappy Patching series showing attempting to recreate an LPG using the Boundary:  

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February Update 3: Bries has the Nibbler

Posted by Eric Schlappi on

Our friend Simon (Bries) received a couple Nibblers and has been making some really nice patches with them, here's the first three but there is a good chance that if you are reading this in the future he will already have made more.

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February Update 2: Nibbler in store demonstration at Control Voltage now online

Posted by Eric Schlappi on

The video of our in store demonstration of the Nibbler last month in Portland at Control Voltage has now been edited and uploaded to YouTube. There are several esoteric digressions into theory as well as some hard electro jams, check it out!

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February Update: Schlappy Patching with Stazma, Eric Schlappi live set in Portland

Posted by Eric Schlappi on

It appears to be a new year without any updates so far. Our main focus for the past month or so has been powering through prototypes with a mind to what we will show at Superbooth this year. Nothing to show publicly yet but we are testing a new analog module as well as several CMOS logic modules to expand on the four bit logic subsystem we started with the Nibbler. We are excited to announce that our friend Julien, perhaps better known as Stazma the Junglechrist, will be making a couple videos for us each month with the first...

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The Nibbler is now available to order (also new shirts and an EP)

Posted by Eric Schlappi on

Hello all! The Nibbler is s a module about exploring the musicality of counting in binary. and it is now available for order on our website. We have a video overview below And our friend Stazma has one on his channel: It is a CMOS based four bit accumulator (which means it counts from 0 to 15 in binary) with separate gate outputs for each of the bits, an output for the carry signal, and two stepped analog outputs made from adding the bits together. It also has inputs for each bit as well as a built in shift register....

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